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Das Land
Aktuelle Infos
In den letzten Wochen tauchen immer wieder e-Mails auf, in denen eine angebliche zweite Frau oder ein angeblicher Sohn des ermordeten kongolesischen Präsidenten, Laurent Désiré Kabila, mit teilweise tragischen Geschichten um Hilfe bittet, ihr Millionenvermögen in Sicherheit zu bringen. Sie bieten dafür häufig auch eine gute Provision an.
Hier ein Beispiel:
I am very much interested to enter into a mutual business relationship with you, after going through your profile yesterday.
I am Madam Marie Kabila, the second wife of the late president of Democratic Republic of Congo, Laurent Desire Kabila who was assasinated on January 16th 2001 by one of his security aides.
I am under sever pressure from this present military government headed by the first son of my late husband, General Joseph Kabila who felt victimized due to the incessant family problems between his biological mother and I. He has siezed all the deposited funds registered under my care by my late husband, through the help of his friend who is the Governor of Central Bank of Congo.
However, I have USD$25M (Twenty five Million United States Dollars} currently in a coded security company vault overseas, which I now intend to use to establish a profitable business venture abroad to enable me and my family start life all over again. As a result, I am urgently in need of a very reliable investor participant who is not known as my associate, that I could entrust with the PIN and Certificate of Deposit to help me remove the fund since no name were used in securing the vault. I cannot succesfully claim it myself as the government searchlight is still on my immediate family, hence I crave your assistance.
You will in addition, bank and assist me in investing (with my lawyers approval on project) as a front until the situation becomes more favourable for us to now meet and discuss the way forward.
Finally, more details on the logistic and modalities of the transaction will be given to you on my recieving your acceptance letter. I do not need to remind you of the absolute secrecy and confidentiality that this transaction demands.
Best regards,
Madam M. Kabila
Dahinter stehen Betrüger, häufig aus Nigeria. Wenn man auf solche Mails reagiert und seine Bereitschaft zu helfen signalisiert, wird man aufgefordert, Geld für diverse Gebühren zu überweisen. Natürlich ist dieses Geld dann verloren, und von dem Vermögen und der Provision sieht man auch nie etwas.
Gehen Sie also unter keinen Umständen auf derartige Angebote ein!
Löschen Sie die Mails unbeantwortet!
Berlin, den 17.08.2001